Publications | Center for the Blue Economy | Center for the Blue Economy


Submissions from 2023


The U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS): A Prototype User Valuation, Charles S. Colgan and Castelletto Anthony

Submissions from 2021


“Measuring the Blue Economy,” in The Blue Economy in Sub-Saharan Africa: Working for a Sustainable Future, Charles S. Colgan, Vivian Louise Forbes, and Iddi Mwanyoka


California Coastal Recreation: Beyond the Beach, Charles S. Colgan, Philip King, and Sarah Jenkins


The Economic Value of America’s Estuaries: 2021 Report, Tracy Rouleau, Charles S. Colgan, Jefferey Adkins, Castelletto Anthony, Dirlam Patty, Shannon Lyons, and Hilary Stevens

Submissions from 2020


Central Coast Highway 1 Climate Resiliency Study, Tiffany Cheng, Bob Battalio, Heather Adamson, Will Condon, Alyssa Mann, Charles Colgan, and Walter Heady


Benefits Cost Anaylsis: Options for Sea Level Rise Adaptation on West Cliff Drive, Charles S. Colgan, Philip King, and David Revell

Submissions from 2018


A Comparative Assessment of National Approaches to Defining the "Ocean Economy", Charles Colgan


The Blue Economy Handbook of the Indian Ocean Region: Chapter Two ("The Blue Economy Theory and Strategy") and Chapter Fifteen ("Climate Change and the Blue Economy of the Indian Ocean"), Charles Colgan


Climate Change Vulnerabilities in the Coastal Mid-Atlantic Region, Charles Colgan, Juliano Calil, Hauke Kite-Powell, Di Jin, and Porter Hoagland


Regional Economic Vulnerability to Sea Level Rise in San Diego County, Charles Colgan, Fernando DePaolis, and Shaun Richards


Characterizing the Ocean Economies of Guam, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Charles Goodhue, Charles Colgan, Kate Quigley, Jefferey Adkins, Christopher Hawkins, Doug Lyons, Camille Martineau, Jennifer Zhuang, and Jean Tanimoto


Toward a Blue Economy : A Pathway for Sustainable Growth in Bangladesh, Pawan G. Patil, John Virdin, Charles Colgan, M Gulam Hussain, Pierre Failler, and Amaya Vega

Submissions from 2017


Navigating the Global Economy: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Massachusetts Maritime Economy, David Borges, Michael Goodman, Elise Korejwa, Kasey Lima-Pires, Michael McCarthy, Michael Sloan, Holly Stickles, Joy Smith, and Charles Colgan


Financing Natural Infrastructure for Coastal Flood Damage Reduction, Charles Colgan, Michael W. Beck, and Siddharth Narayan

Submissions from 2016


Climate Adaptation and Resiliency Planning for New England Communities: First Steps and Next Steps, Charles Colgan, Jack D. Kartez Ph.D., and Martha P. Sheils


Tradeable Permits for Shoreline Protection: Reshaping Regulation Under the Coastal Act for the Era of Sea Level Rise, Charles Colgan and Sarah Newkirk


Northeast Ocean Planning Baseline Assessment: Marine Resources, Infrastructure, and Economics, Hauke Kite-Powell, Charles Colgan, Porter Hoagland, Di Jin, Vinton Valentine, and Brooke Wikgren


Economic Impacts of Climate Adaptation Strategies for Southern Monterey Bay, Kelly Leo, Sarah Newkirk, Walter Heady, Brian Cohen, Juliano Calil, Philip King, and Fernando DePaolis

Submissions from 2014


The Potential Economic Impacts of the Proposed Central Coast National Marine Sanctuary, Jason Scorse and Dr. Judith T. Kildow