Benefits of Ocean Observing Catalog (BOOC)
BOOC Keywords
Galveston Bay, economics, wetland, water quality, Gulf of Mexico, Atlantic
Timestamp: 44806.3514887847 Email Address: Name: Jodie Sprayberry Affiliation: CSS on contract with Office for Coastal Management Program Office/Division: Office for Coastal Management (NOS) Position Title: Senior Communication Specialist Title of use case: Inspiring Citizens to Protect Galveston Bay in Texas Authors or Creators: Herold, N; Sprayberry, J Affiliations of Authors or Creators: NOAA's Office for Coastal Management Contributors: The Galveston Bay Foundation Affiliation of Contributors: The Galveston Bay Foundation Description: A citizen-led group developed Galveston Bay Report Cards to assess bay health. They used CCAP Land Cover Data to calculate % of wetland loss. The bay contains 3 ports, is an industrial hub, and tourist destination. These economic drivers need to co-exist. Keywords: economic wetland water quality Start date of use case: 41640 End date of this use case: 44470 Is this use case ongoing? : Yes Use case URL : Data source URL: Image: Ocean Region: Atlantic Ocean Sea: Gulf of Mexico Large Marine Ecosystem Area: Gulf of Mexico Country: United States Other Geography: Galveston Bay, Texas Format Type: Narrative description Data Type: Primary Use: Resource Management, Environmental Management User Type: NGO/Non-Profit Professional Data Type: Physical, Geospatial Ocean Observing System (OOS) Variable: Information Type: Remote sense data Other Format Data: Published Date: 43831 Publisher Name: Galveston Bay Foundation Publisher City: Houston Publisher State :Texas Publisher Country: USA Publisher/Distributor URL: Publication URL: DOI: Industries which benefit: Commercial Fishing, Recreational Fishing, Coastal Construction and Restoration, Marine Transportation of Freight and People, Coastal and ocean tourism and recreation, Living resources (not specified) - check this box and elaborate in “Other” box below Benefits to ecosystems: Ecosystem Health Ecosystem Services: Ecosystem support of goods and services, Water used for nutrition, materials, or energy, Fisheries (commercial or recreational Ecosystem Regulation and Maintenance Services: Cultural Ecosystem Services: Are benefits documented?: Unknown/Don't Know Are the benefits documented by: Projected use Are the benefits quantified?: Unknown/Don't Know Are the quantified benefits reported as monetary values?: Unknown/Don’t Know Other Benefits:
Recommended Citation
Sprayberry, Jodie
"Inspiring Citizens to Protect Galveston Bay in Texas,"
Benefits of Ocean Observing Catalog (BOOC): Vol. 2:
1, Article 60.
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