
Benefits of Ocean Observing Catalog (BOOC)

BOOC Keywords

Great Lakes, cruises, passenger, data collection, cruise ship, platform


Timestamp: 44862.4435587269 Email Address: jennifer.day@noaa.gov Name: Jennifer Day Affiliation: Great Lakes Regional Collaboration Team Program Office/Division: Regional Collaboration Network/OAR-GLERL Position Title: Regional Coordinator Title of use case: Partnership/CRADA with Viking Cruises Authors or Creators: Lee, D; Day, J; Mroczka, B; Zuccarino-Crowe, C; Viking Expeditions Affiliations of Authors or Creators: NOAA, Viking Expeditions Contributors: Affiliation of Contributors: Description: The CRADA with Viking Expeditions provides NOAA access to technology platforms (remote vehicles, small boats and instrumentation) to collect data during Great Lakes cruises and bring global attention to NOAA’s work serving the Great Lakes. Keywords: Great Lakes, data collection, cruise ship, platform Start date of use case: End date of this use case: Is this use case ongoing? : Yes Use case URL : Data source URL: Image: Ocean Region: Great Lakes Sea: Large Marine Ecosystem Area: Country: United States Other Geography: Format Type: Narrative description Data Type:Tabular Data Primary Use: Research, Resource Management, Weather/Climate User Type: Government Professional Data Type: Chemical, Biological Ocean Observing System (OOS) Variable: Sea surface temperature, Subsurface temperature, Phytoplankton biomass and diversity, Weather Data Information Type: In situ data Other Format Data:NOAA submitted multiple initial research proposal concepts for evaluation of feasibility by the Viking Research Advisory Group (VRAG). NOAA scientists have been working with Viking leadership and Viking’s Great Lakes expeditions Field Research Coordinators to refine proposals best suited for implementation this field season. As of April 2022, the active projects in development include: Accessing the inorganic carbonate system and ocean acidification in the Great Lakes (Status: Equipment being installed during 2022 season) On-Board meteorological data collection for operational use / Weather Balloon launches (Status: Equipment is installed and functioning on Octantis) Passive sampling of water parameters with a FerryBox Flow-Through System (Status: Equipment is installed and functioning on Octantis) Deployment of drifters and track Great Lakes currents (Status: Equipment ready to deploy; Logistics of drifter retrieval to minimize potential marine debris holding up progress.) Ozone study in collaboration with the Wisconsin DNR / University of Wisconsin (Status: Equipment to be installed later in May while the ship is docked in Milwaukee.) Exploration and Documentation within Thunder Bay NMS of marine archaeological sites and geological features (Status: Logistics regarding tendering of ROV and multi-beam sonar still require clarification. Questions: Will NOAA vessels be deployed for this purpose? Will scientific exemptions to marine laws be allowed?) Investigating the Structure and Variability of Over-Lake Atmospheric Temperature and Moisture Profiles Associated with Great Lakes Lake Breeze Circulations (Status: Final approvals for project came too late for deployment in the 2022 season, but expect to install equipment in May 2023 and be active for the 2023 season and beyond). Published Date: Publisher Name: Publisher City: Publisher State : Publisher Country: Publisher/Distributor URL: Publication URL: DOI: Industries which benefit: Marine Research and Education Benefits to ecosystems: Ecosystem Health Ecosystem Services: Cultural Values, Ecosystem Services: Provisioning Ecosystem Regulation and Maintenance Services: Cultural Ecosystem Services: Direct, in-situ and outdoor interactions with living systems that depend on presence in the environmental setting, Spiritual, symbolic and other interactions with natural environment, Other biotic characteristics that have a non-use value Are benefits documented?: Yes Are the benefits documented by: Both Are the benefits quantified?: Yes Are the quantified benefits reported as monetary values?: No Other Benefits: Tabular Data

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