
Benefits of Ocean Observing Catalog (BOOC)

BOOC Keywords

Marine heatwave, prediction, forecast, Atlantic


Timestamp: 44862.4486656366 Email Address: michael.jacox@noaa.gov Name: Michael Jacox Affiliation: NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center and NOAA Physical Sciences Laboratory Program Office/Division: Position Title: Research oceanographer Title of use case: Global forecasts of marine heatwaves Authors or Creators: Jacox, M., Alexander, M., Amaya, D., Becker, B., Bograd, S., Brodie, S., Hazen, E., Pozo Buil, M., Tommasi, D., Hsu, C.-W., Smith, C. Affiliations of Authors or Creators: NOAA Physical Sciences Laboratory; NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center; University of Colorado; University of Miami; University of California Santa Cruz Contributors: Affiliation of Contributors: Description: Researchers used climate forecast systems to develop global marine heatwave (MHW) forecasts, which have significant skill in many regions. They also created a MHW website that provides current ocean maps, experimental forecasts, and interactive tools. Keywords: Marine heatwave, prediction, forecast Start date of use case: 44652 End date of this use case: Is this use case ongoing? : Yes Use case URL : https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-04573-9 https://psl.noaa.gov/marine-heatwaves Data source URL: https://psl.noaa.gov/marine-heatwaves Image: Ocean Region: Atlantic Ocean Sea: Large Marine Ecosystem Area: Country: Other Geography: global ocean Format Type: Journal Article, website Data Type: Primary Use: Research, Weather/Climate, Environmental Management, Commercial Fishing, Aquaculture, Recreation User Type: Government Professional, Academic Data Type: Physical Ocean Observing System (OOS) Variable: Sea surface temperature, Subsurface temperature Information Type: In situ data, Remote sense data, Model output Other Format Data: Published Date: 44671 Publisher Name: Springer Nature Publisher City: London Publisher State : Publisher Country: England Publisher/Distributor URL: https://www.springernature.com/ Publication URL: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-04573-9 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-022-04573-9 Industries which benefit: Commercial Fishing, Aquaculture, Recreational Fishing, Marine Research and Education, Coastal and ocean tourism and recreation Benefits to ecosystems: Ecosystem Health, Biodiversity, Endangered Species Ecosystem Services: Ecosystem Services: Provisioning, Ecosystem support of goods and services, Fisheries (commercial or recreational, Aquaculture Ecosystem Regulation and Maintenance Services: Cultural Ecosystem Services: Are benefits documented?: No Are the benefits documented by: Are the benefits quantified?: No Are the quantified benefits reported as monetary values?: Other Benefits:

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