
Benefits of Ocean Observing Catalog (BOOC)


Timestamp: 44862.4486656366 Email Address: michael.jacox@noaa.gov Name: Michael Jacox Affiliation: NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center and NOAA Physical Sciences Laboratory Program Office/Division: Position Title: Research oceanographer Title of use case: Global forecasts of marine heatwaves Authors or Creators: Jacox, M., Alexander, M., Amaya, D., Becker, B., Bograd, S., Brodie, S., Hazen, E., Pozo Buil, M., Tommasi, D., Hsu, C.-W., Smith, C. Affiliations of Authors or Creators: NOAA Physical Sciences Laboratory; NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center; University of Colorado; University of Miami; University of California Santa Cruz Contributors: Affiliation of Contributors: Description: Researchers used climate forecast systems to develop global marine heatwave (MHW) forecasts, which have significant skill in many regions. They also created a MHW website that provides current ocean maps, experimental forecasts, and interactive tools. Keywords: Marine heatwave, prediction, forecast Start date of use case: 44652 End date of this use case: Is this use case ongoing? : Yes Use case URL : https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-04573-9 https://psl.noaa.gov/marine-heatwaves Data source URL: https://psl.noaa.gov/marine-heatwaves Image: Ocean Region: Atlantic Ocean Sea: Large Marine Ecosystem Area: Country: Other Geography: global ocean Format Type: Journal Article, website Data Type: Primary Use: Research, Weather/Climate, Environmental Management, Commercial Fishing, Aquaculture, Recreation User Type: Government Professional, Academic Data Type: Physical Ocean Observing System (OOS) Variable: Sea surface temperature, Subsurface temperature Information Type: In situ data, Remote sense data, Model output Other Format Data: Published Date: 44671 Publisher Name: Springer Nature Publisher City: London Publisher State : Publisher Country: England Publisher/Distributor URL: https://www.springernature.com/ Publication URL: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-04573-9 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-022-04573-9 Industries which benefit: Commercial Fishing, Aquaculture, Recreational Fishing, Marine Research and Education, Coastal and ocean tourism and recreation Benefits to ecosystems: Ecosystem Health, Biodiversity, Endangered Species Ecosystem Services: Ecosystem Services: Provisioning, Ecosystem support of goods and services, Fisheries (commercial or recreational, Aquaculture Ecosystem Regulation and Maintenance Services: Cultural Ecosystem Services: Are benefits documented?: No Are the benefits documented by: Are the benefits quantified?: No Are the quantified benefits reported as monetary values?: Other Benefits:



Document Object Identifiers (DOI)


Start Year


End Year


Published Year








Case Product Name

Marine Heatwaves https://psl.noaa.gov/marine-heatwaves/

Product Type


Product Format

Web Service

Product URI



National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration

Publisher City

Washington DC

Publisher Country

United States

Publisher State

District of Columbia

Publisher/Distributor URL


Data Source

NOAA Physical Science Laboratory: Marine Heatwaves

Data Source URL


Primary Use

Planning and Forecasting

User Type

Planners, Regulators, Researchers

Data Type

Physical, Geospatial

OOS Variable

Sea surface temperature

Observation Type


Economic Sectors Benefitting

Agriculture,Forestry, Fishing

Industries Benefitting

Other information services

Data Services Used

Satellite imagery, glider data

Ecosystem Benefits, Non-human

Weather forecasts and ocean condition forecasts which will enable better ecosystem restoration

Ecosystem Benefits, Human

Weather forecasts and ocean condition forecasts

Type of Ecosystem Service

Ecosystem Health

Ecosystem Regulation/Maintenance Services

Maintaining nursery populations and habitats (Including gene pool protection

Ecosytem Cultural Services


Ecosystem Provisioning Services


Benefits Documented by Use?

Yes. This assists all ocean users by provided high quality forecasts useful in fishing, aquaculture, and ecosystem management.

Benefits Quantified?


Monetary Value of Benefits


Document Type




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