
Journal of Ocean and Coastal Economics

Document Type



The European Marine Strategy Framework Directive, which came into force in 2008, requires from Member States inter alia to perform various (types of) economic analyses. In order to help Member States to implement this directive, the European working group on Economic and Social Analysis was initiated in 2009. This working group has developed various guidance documents which have been very useful in helping each other to understand the Directive and its requirements, to develop one language, to understand the pros and cons of various approaches, and to share experiences. However, up until now, outside of this working group this information is hardly known. Therefore, the authors of this article, considered the tenth anniversary of this working group a good opportunity to make the accumulated grey literature more accessible and to share information on experiences and lessons learnt from applying environmental economic theory and analyses in a policy context to a broader community, to increase the awareness of marine and social scientists on the progress made and remaining knowledge gaps, to enhance interdisciplinary science-policy dialogue, and to increase the value added of forthcoming research for policy making processes.

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