
Journal of Ocean and Coastal Economics

Document Type

Research Article


Learning from experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic, this study aims to recommend strategies for local economic sustainability to achieve resilient coastal settlement goals. A literature review was conducted as a preliminary to obtain an overview of the economic strategies carried out by coastal communities during the pandemic, the variables of resilient coastal settlements, government programs in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, and research gaps related to local economic sustainability. This study used a questionnaire distribution method to collect data. The data were then analyzed using a triangulation method that compared the variables of coastal settlement’s resilience, government programs, and potential local economic sustainability findings. This research found that the warung or grocery stall business started by coastal communities during the pandemic still existed until the post-pandemic period. Based on the local economy potential, the strategies related to local economic resilience are: increasing the knowledge and skills of coastal communities, empowering coastal women, and utilizing the potential of natural resources and local wisdom of coastal settlements. This research provides new evidence that the local scale economic sector has resilience in adapting to crisis and sustainability. This research is expected to be a reference for government policy in achieving resilience coastal settlements goals.

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